
$KIN Token with Real-World Asset for Future Beauty Industry Integrated with AI and Blockchain.

Acquiring $KIN Token means you have a digital asset with direct connection to real-world activities in the beauty industry.
Integrates real-world elements of the Beauty Industry into an innovative digital ecosystem.

The $KIN
Token RWA

$KIN Token is a Real World Asset (RWA) that bridges the digital as asset linked to physical activities business in the beauty industry.


The physical operations with the $KIN will be utilized by HAUM, a reputable skincare brand established in 2018 in Indonesia. HAUM will leverage the $KIN Token to provide exclusive rewards to its loyal customers, thereby fostering a unique relationship between the digital asset and the physical business in the beauty industry, as well opportunity for other brands. 


Led by the same creator as the $KIN Token, HAUM has laid a strong foundation for future growth.


Our Concept & Mission

The $KIN Token provides a holistic ecosystem for the beauty industry, designed to address critical problems by leveraging AI and blockchain technology to provide solutions.

Offering comprehensive solutions, from personalized AI-driven recommendations to leveraging blockchain for secure and transparent transactions with tangible beauty product ownership.

By partnering with trusted brands and stakeholders in the beauty industry, we deliver exclusive rewards and sustainable ecosystem collaborations, ensuring a seamless and innovative experience from end to end.


As a holder of the $KIN Token, you are not just keeping pace with blockchain and crypto trends; you are acquiring a digital asset that represents a tangible connection to real-world activities in the

beauty business industry.


Real World Asset (RWA) Ownership

• Tangible Value • Exclusive Rewards • Physical Ownership

AI Solution

• Tailored Recommendations • Feedback and adapts • Effective Solutions

Blockchain Transparency

• Secure Transactions • Reward System • Verified Feedback

Collaboration with Brands

• Combined Experiences

Next Frontiers

Preview our upcoming projects as we pioneer the future of beauty 

by utilizing the $KIN Token as


Transform physical activities
in the beauty industry into digital assets by utilizing the $KIN Token as CRM rewards.


Providing the secure $KIN Wallet
for transactions, a trusted portal
for sending and receiving.


Experience revolutionary
Skincare shopping with the $KIN Token through our Web3 commerce platform.


Is an advanced artificial intelligence system specifically designed for the beauty industry.



Total token supply –

50% Public
30% Developement and Innovation
15% Stake Holder
5% Rewards Community
1 $KIN = 0.098 USD
$ 9.800.000
$ 600.000

Softcap in 1069 days


token sale stages


Total Supply


Total Supply


Total Supply

Our roadmaps

Q3 2023

  • Conduct extensive market research to identify target demographics, competitor analysis, and market opportunities.

Q4 2023

Smart Contract Development
  • Begin the development of smart contracts for the $KIN Token, ensuring security and efficiency in transactions.

Q1 2024

ICO Planning and Marketing Strategy
  • Develop a comprehensive plan for the ICO, including Tokenomics, pricing, and distribution strategy.
  • Formulate a robust marketing strategy to raise awareness about the project and attract potential investors.
  • Establish initial partnerships with key stakeholders and influencers in the beauty industry.

Q2 2024

ICO Launch and Community Building
  • Launch the ICO campaign, leveraging marketing efforts to reach a wide audience and encourage participation.
  • Build an active and engaged community around the $KIN Token project through social media, forums, and community events.
  • Conduct regular updates and communication with the community to keep them informed about project developments.
    Initiate a presale ICO campaign to attract early investors and supporters, offering exclusive bonuses and discounts.
  • Conduct targeted marketing campaigns to promote the presale ICO and generate interest among potential investors.
  • Ensure compliance with relevant regulations and legal requirements for conducting a presale ICO, including KYC/AML procedures.

Q3 2024

Career Hiring and Expansion
  • Expand the team by hiring skilled professionals in key areas such as development, marketing, and operations.
  • Develop strategic partnerships with additional beauty brands and industry players to expand the project's reach.
  • Continue community engagement efforts to foster a strong sense of belonging and loyalty among supporters.

Q4 2024

Building the Core Ecosystem
  • $KIN Wallet
    Launch the secure $KIN Wallet for storing and transacting $KIN Tokens.
  • Ensure user-friendly features and robust security measures for safe transactions
  • Rewards
    * Apply initiate rewards with HAUM brand.

Q2 2025

AI 24/7
  • Launch the AI-based $KIN analysis tool to provide personalized skincare or beauty recommendations to users.
  • Integrate AI capabilities to analyze user data and offer tailored product suggestions.

Q3 2025

Web3 Commerce Platform
  • Official launch of the Web3 commerce platform, allowing users to purchase skincare or beauty products using $KIN Tokens.
  • Implement blockchain technology to ensure transparent and secure transactions.

Q3 2025

$KIN GrowthFund
  • Launch the $KIN GrowthFund to provide funding for beauty brands needing capital to scale their business.
  • Implement community-driven selection and performance tracking.

Q4 2025 - Beyond

AI Consultan & Exchange Listing
  • Food & Drug Regulatory Registration Consultancy
    Expand the Food & Drug Regulatory registration consultancy to provide guidance for creating skincare or beauty products, exporting, importing, and obtaining halal certification.
  • Utilize AI to streamline documentation and compliance processes.
  • Exchange Listing and Project Building
    Secure listings on major cryptocurrency exchanges to increase liquidity and accessibility of
  • the $KIN Token.

*More Detail on Whitepaper

About us

The $KIN is a token that leverages Real World Assets (RWA) to drive positive transformation in the beauty industry through the utilization of blockchain technology linked to existing physical business activities in the beauty industry. The $KIN Token provides significant value by integrating real-world elements of the beauty industry into an innovative digital asset.

The creator of the $KIN Token envisions equal opportunities for all beauty industry startups to thrive, backed by the creator’s own skincare brand.


Collaboration & partners